Phuquing phunny
I'm not a spelling Nazi, truly I'm not. I don't use spellcheck very often. I rely on my friends to edit my writing. I really don't worship the Gods of spelling. If someone misspells words I don't judge their intelligence based on that.
But good GAWD! This kind of thing is why people believe the intelligence level of the South is in general, lower. Whether it's true or not isn't the issue, a sign like this just confirms every stereotype floating around in some people's books. sigh.
Note to neighbor: If you want to take the effort to create a sign asking for something from drive-by strangers, please, please, PLEASE know how to spell dirt. You make for a fecking hilarious blog, but you'll get more laughs than dirt.
Maybe they really do need some drit, and all this time you aren't helping with all that drit you have sitting around. Come on, make with the drit lady.
From the Minnesota Dept Natural Resources...
"People call earth different names. Soil scientists prefer to say soil because it simply means the surface layer of earth that supports plant life. Dirt has many meanings. It comes from the Old English word drit, meaning manure. The first dictionary definition of dirt is "any foul or filthy substance, as mud, grime, dust, or excrement [poop]." When manure or poop decomposes, it can become part of the soil. No wonder the word dirt can also mean soil."
So maybe your neighbor really wants manure or some such sh*t. :)
Oh my....and I had planned to google "drit" just for the helluvit after I posted that pic!! Gotta love that etymology stuff. Very cool.:)
Ren...this cracked me up!! Too phunny!!
Okay, I'm going to pee my pants from laughing. Kind of like the lady that asked me "Down here they call usall Americans, what do they call y'all up there in Alaska?"
Hey, I'm not agreeing with the stereotype, just pointing out how they're proving it true to drive-by Damn Yankees!:)
Ren, far northerner by birth, southern by choice (but still not sure how it all happened)
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