Moon calendar

I was looking to see what date the full moon would be this month and came across a detailed moon calendar. It has some information on the term "blue moon" which I found fascinating. Historically, it meant something different than it does today.
My thoughts are turning towards a full moon gathering. Not one in which you pay money to be a part. One in which the participants share their unique strengths and gifts freely, just like the ARGH gathering, just like the Bar Camp structure. Humans coming together because of a desire to BE.
Jess had mentioned using the field behind her house for a drum circle on a full moon. What do you think my local peeps? Maybe it's time to start something. I'm thinking late, around 10pm with some hot drinks, the regular chit-chat and some hand drumming.
The moon image above was actually shot on my 35mm Canon, through Gary Wakely's telescope a couple of years ago at our Summer Solstice party.:)
Wow! I love your moon picture.
Can we drum circle this Tuesday night?
I LIKE IT!!! When is that moon full again? Let's do it!
Hi, do you know of the widget:
You can see it in action on my hearth herbalist blog.
Very handy.
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