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Learning in Freedom

Welcome to Learning in Freedom, a blog all about the learning adventures (and mishaps) of the Allen family. My four children are unschooled, following their interests and passions every day and living the lives of their choosing. The purpose of this blog is to share our every day lives (and my not-so-humble opinons) with anyone interested in stopping by. We hope this will give a glimpse of how natural learning unfolds from day to day......

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Mum...

She was born April 11th, 1946 in Kansas and moved to Alaska at six years old.
She was a fiery ball of stubborn passion, someone that could ignite a zest for life in people and make you want to tear your hair out at other times.:)
She wove colorful stories and traveled to colorful places and planted colorful gardens. She left this earth too soon and I miss her more every single day.

Happy Birthday Mum. Your are never far from my thoughts.


This is the tribute to her, posted on a large sign in the Storygarden located at the Noel Wein library in Fairbanks Alaska...I thought some might enjoy it:

" Welcome to the Cheryl Bidwell Storygarden. This garden was the dream of Cheryl Bidwell, a librarian who believed in the magic of wonder and the power of imagination."


Blogger Schuyler said...

Simon's birthday is April 11th. It seems he shares it with a wonderful woman.

4:26 AM  
Blogger Pam said...

I know exactly how you feel. I miss my mom each and every day. Time does not heal all wounds. And I am not sure it should.

Have a wonderful day!

9:40 AM  
Blogger Ren Allen said...

She was a most wonderful human being and a grand storyteller to boot! Neat that Simon's b-day is the same. One of my nieces was born the same day too.

I think the "time heals" thing is one of the biggest lies ever perpetuated. There is always a big, empty space grief carves out and we are never the same without that person.
I think the healing comes in being ok with that gaping wound, being at peace with never being the same. Embracing the yin/yang of it all and bearing the sadness with joy (if that makes any sense at all).

Hugs to all of you that carry your grief with grace.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Madeline Rains said...

Me too. It's been almost twenty years now and it has definitely lessened in frequency but can suddenly take me to my knees too. How wonderful to have a tribute in a library story garden.

11:17 AM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

My first daughter Sabine and I share you mother's birthday (1970 and 2002)...I too am a librarian (although not practicing now)...but it does lend itself well to the unschooling life. Sending gentle thoughts to you on this anniversary.

Carolyn in Jackson, WY

8:10 PM  
Blogger piscesgrrl said...

A beautiful ode to your mother - I love the idea of her garden.

Ah grief... sometimes the memories dance at the edges and it takes all my might to will it back. I never knew I could *feel* like this. A gift and a curse.

Namaste, my make-up artist, unschooling, bee-keeping, excitement-seeking friend.

2:25 PM  

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