There is this quote that floats around the internet;
"We worry about what a child will be tomorrow, yet we forget that the
child is already someone today."
It's attributed to a person named "Stacia Tauscher" which nobody can
seem to locate. Several sites label her an "author", yet not one has
a title of any book she wrote. There is no biography to be found, no
birth place, no history of any kind. Only this one famous quote.
Amy, a regular at Anne Ohman's "shine with unschooling" list had a
fascination with finding this person. Well, I've caught the bug and
have tried every search known to man.....turning up next to nothing.
There's a possibility that she wrote a book from 1690, and Amy
did find one other quote by this mystery person:
"A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with
possibilities of virtue and vice - but as yet unstained."
The grammar makes me believe that she is definitely a pre-19th
century writer. Maybe time has obscured her work, yet the quotes
remain. I need to know who she was, why she had such trust in
children and what she did in her lifetime.
The search for Stacia Tauscher is on.....write me if you know anything!