A new, shortish interview

There is a new, shortish and fun interview with me that was published at a very cool blog "Homeschooling; freedom and fun for your family" which is run by Debbie H.
My interview is part of a series she's doing with various unschooling families. There are familiar names/faces like Sandra Dodd, Pam Sorooshian, Helen Hegener, Deb Rossing, Laura Endres and many, many more! Go check it out and be sure to browse through all of the very fun and interesting interviews. I'm glad I participated....though it was only because of Debbie's patience as I'm a great procrastinator. :)
(above artwork by Jalen/Scott Allen; 5/09)
Jared asked, "Jalen did that picture? All by himself? Wow, I wouldn't have expected that, he did pretty good:)"
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